RRD Detroit / EGT Printing Solutions is a full-service graphic communications solution provider located in Madison Heights, Michigan. We offer complete in-house production of conventional and digital print products as well as full-service direct mail and fulfillment capabilities.
Our extensive capabilities, combined with skilled craftsmen, and top-notch sales and customer service staff all work in harmony to exceed client expectations on even the most challenging projects.
G7 Certified
The IDEAlliance G7 Master Qualification Program identifies creative, premedia, and printing companies that have been trained to proof or print to G7 Neutral Print Density Curves and can meet print buyer requirements to produce proofs or printed output conforming to the metrics that reliably render brand images across print locations and different printing types.
FSC Certified
Participating customers may choose to use EGT’s FSC logo on printed material to inform the end-users that the paper was manufactured from a well-managed forest in accordance with FSC principles.
Union Label
EGT Printing Solutions is licensed to print with Union Label #132 by the Allied Printing Trades Council of Michigan. We are members in good standing of the Detroit Typographical Union #18 / Communications Workers of America #14503.
Madison Heights
United States